Zaboosh Passports
Our Best Value For Your CEU Needs!
CEU Passport Options:
*Select an image to purchase.
How Does It Work?
The CEU Passports entitle you to up to 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 or 8.0 CEUs (20,40,60 or 80 hours) worth of workshops.
This passport is good for 1 year from the date of purchase. All selected workshops must be completed within 1 year to be eligible for credit.
Workshops may be selected from our on-demand (archived) workshops, any of our live online workshops (conducted through Zoom) or conference workshops (for 40,60 & 80 options only).
Once purchased, you will receive an email within 24 hours (Monday-Friday) with instructions on how to select and access your workshops.
What kind of Workshops and Conferences does Zaboosh offer?
Live Online Workshops
Live online workshops are conducted webinar style and are announced on our website and via email as they are scheduled throughout the year.
On-Demand (Archived) Workshops
These workshops are mostly recordings of previous live online workshops. They have been roughly edited and are available to complete at your own pace.
Zaboosh hosts 2 full online conferences a year (March/October) as well as an Educational Mini-Conference (June). These are conducted live online in a webinar style typically over a Friday and Saturday with a Thursday night keynote (for the full conferences). All conference workshops are recorded and available to complete following the conference, allowing you to obtain the maximum number of CEUs available.