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Vote "Opposed" to RID CM2017.07

RID motion CM2017.07: "CEUs earned from online trainings be limited to 25% of the overall required total number of CEUs required to maintain certification. For specialist certifications, not more that 49% of CEUs for certification maintenance may be earned online."

My fellow interpreters,

As an interpreter and someone who is passionate about professional development, I understand the concerns of some of the RID membership with online learning. I have a Master’s Degree in Instructional Design and Educational Technology which is essentially the study of how to best create and provide online learning. I know full well the pitfalls of online learning. I also know well the pitfalls of in-person learning. There are benefits and disadvantages to both. They can each cater to certain types of learners in a way that will best benefit them.

That being said, I don’t believe online CEUs should be limited. Zaboosh strives hard to make sure that our CEU offerings are beneficial, relevant and that they are given in a way that encourages learning and application for participants.

Over the last several years, I’ve had the privilege of hearing many of your stories. Your reasons for participating in online learning include everything from medical issues to lack of nearby offerings to overloaded interpreting schedules to family concerns and beyond. I know many interpreters who’s certification would have lapsed if it weren’t for online CEU offerings.

While there are benefits to in-person professional development there are also many benefits to online professional development. If this is an avenue you would like to continue to enjoy I encourage you to take action and vote “opposed” to RID motion CM2017.07.   


Chanté J. Wilson M.Ed. CI/CT

Owner -

Image of Chanté J. Wilson - Owner of Zaboosh