Mindful Interpreting

Workshop Description:
Your presence matters as an interpreter! Your unique self blesses the interaction like no one else's could. Do you know what you bring to the table? Let's talk about some of our stumbling blocks to excellence and how to overcome them by knowing our core values and identity and discover how to mindfully and ethically
bring our whole selves into our work.
Workshop Objectives:
As a result of attending this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify mental and emotional barriers to successful interpreting
- List strategies for emotional self management to avoid leading with bias or burning out.
Presenter Bio:
Deb McHenry is a peacemaker and encourager at heart. Her interpreting career began in 2005 when she stumbled into an interpreting job after taking only a few sign language classes. She has since fallen in love with interpreting, become nationally certified and poured herself into her career in various settings like education, video relay and church. She has led in her community as a coach for a Deaf cheerleading team, a Deaf church ministry leader and Chairperson in charge of interpreter conferences. A survivor of domestic abuse, Deb also works as a life coach and advocate for women of faith coming out of abusive relationships. Her vision is to shine a light on the more subtle and hidden tactics of abuse that happen in plain sight. She lives in the Salt Lake City area in Utah with her 11 year old karate loving son and his snake, dancing 7 year old daughter and a cuddly kitty. In her free time, Deb likes hiking and rollerblading, singing and drawing.